About Jo Maughan career coach

Hi, I’m Jo. I’m a career coach and artist.
I offer career coaching to successful professionals like you who are at a career or life crossroads. Whether you’re at the point where you know you can’t carry on living your life this way, or you’re having some sort of midlife crisis, I’ll help you work out what you really want, and what you want to change.
I’ve been there. I used to be unhappy and couldn’t work out what was wrong until I got myself a career coach. I also had some therapy and counselling.
Here’s my story…
(Sometimes you just need to know that someone else has been through it, eh?)
My path to becoming a career coach
During my 20s, I enjoyed my work and career. I worked hard to qualify as a chartered accountant and got promoted quickly. I couldn’t believe my luck – how come I, the clever girl from the local comprehensive, was in a meeting with the Finance Director of a FTSE-100 company?
By my mid-30s, I had the sense something was missing, but what? When I paused to let myself feel the uncomfortable feeling, I thought I needed a new challenge. I took on a series of new roles. When I look back, I was trying to prove myself to myself. By 40 and now at BP, I was working long and hard. I still had a social life but it was all super organised and scheduled in around work and business trips.
My six-figure-salary bought me lovely clothes, handbags, holidays in far-off places, plus a gorgeous home in Guildford. I had it all, didn’t I? So why did I feel unhappy?
My sense of being ‘at sea’ grew when I took on a challenging new role. I felt out of my depth. My gut told me I needed to get better at….
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….influencing and persuading colleagues. I enrolled on a leadership development programme with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
As part of that, we did a timeline exercise. I saw a theme running through my life: I’d had a few bosses who I’d found ‘controlling’ and ‘difficult’. I realised this stemmed from my childhood and my mum who had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I started to cry, and even though I was scared, I decided to open what, at that time, I saw as the Pandora’s box of my childhood. I somehow knew that the key to my success in the new role and my overall happiness lay there.
A second ah-ha moment was when I realised that part of me was missing and wasn’t being expressed. I loved developing people, but this was only a small part of my role back then, plus I loved art & craft and colour – I wasn’t doing any of that. I’d lost sight of these parts of me in all the working hard and busyness.
As I worked with my coach, I examined my thoughts and couldn’t believe what I was telling myself. I was so self-critical!
Around the same time, I took an intensive personal development course called the ‘More to Life Weekend’. It was a roller coaster ride but when I got off, wobbly legs and all (literally!), the whole world looked different and I was freed-up. I entered counselling. I did more inner work. I unearthed unconscious beliefs that I was holding about myself. I was telling myself “I’m not good enough”. And to prove to myself that this wasn’t in fact true, I was working very, very hard – pushing myself to achieve, achieve, achieve. This belief (and others) had been the undercurrent to how I’d lived my life for many years. And I’d not even noticed.
I thought about changing careers but I was worried about the money.
It took a major health scare for me to leave the world of tax.
On the way to meet a friend after work, I ended up with what the consultant called a ‘serious brain injury’. I got this when I blacked out, fell backwards and hit my head on a London pavement. I could have died and it was my wake-up call. I spent 10 days in hospital having tests and recovering; 3 months at home resting; and a further 3 months getting over the post-trauma depression. As I look back, I see I’d been pushing myself too hard – doing, doing, doing – and my body finally said ‘no’!
There was moment as I laid in my hospital bed when I had a strange out-of-body experience. I saw all my learned ways of behaving playing out before me and I wondered why I was treating myself so badly. In that moment, I realised I had to change – we only have one life so why spend it doing something you don’t love? I realised it was time to do something about it and change careers.
I was scared as I thought other people wouldn’t like it: my mum & dad would say I was wasting all I’d achieved, and my husband wouldn’t like me earning less. None of these things were so.
Nowadays, I can truly say I’m contented. I love supporting mid-life professionals like you to re-think your lives, plus I love making bright & quirky art.
What am I like?
Let’s start with what I believe.
I believe you’re meant to shine; that you’re meant to be making your unique contribution to the world in your unique way and through that find contentment. I want to do my part to help you find that balance, fulfilment and happiness whatever it looks like for you.
What are my values?
I value openness, trust and fun. Now in my 50’s, I’m focusing on living my purpose and creating my legacy. I don’t yet know what I want my legacy to be, but I’m working on it, which says something else about my values – I value living consciously rather than on automatic pilot.

What do clients say?
Clients most often say I’m calm and help them think. They also say I’m gentle yet challenging, have personal warmth and am a bit quirky. Find out more by reading my testimonials.
My professional credentials
I set up my coaching business – Your Thinking Partner – in 2012. I’m an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (2014), and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (2007). I coach private individuals like you as well as clients who come to me via corporate programmes. These clients may work with international law firms, FTSE-100 companies and more. I’m also proud to a long-standing Fellow Coach with the online coaching company BetterUp.

The artist side of me – in case you’re curious
It may be that part of the reason why you’re feeling unfulfilled is because you’re not expressing a piece of you. That was certainly one of the reasons why I felt like something was ‘off’ with me. Now I’m back in touch with that part of me, my life feels ‘right’ and I feel happy. In case you’re curious, here are come of my creations:

Bruce, the Rooster, tea towels make a fun gift that’s practical and easy to post. Click to buy.
Follow me on Instagram to see more of my art.